i want to build a model boat
i want to build a model boat
A scratch built rc boat hull that is easy and inexpensive. learn to scratch build with this simple project. plans are now available for download.. The oldest business of it's kind. since our first plans were sold for home boat construction in 1938, more than 100,000 hartley boats built. Introduction if you love boats, as we do, and if you love the meticulous detail which goes into a well-made scale model, but you have neither the time nor the.

Advertisements above this line are not part of this web site. this web site offers a well known sail boat class model boat kit for those with a yen to build one for. In the early 1960s jay brandon, proprietor of dumas products, tuscon, az, designed and built a scale model of the international star based on the 1945 edition of the. Build your boat. custom build the boat of your dreams. to get started, select a model and enter your zip code. once you select a local dealer, you can begin building.

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